Friday, August 27, 2004

Recognizing our beliefs...

I just read my last post and realized that the words I wrote reflect my own beliefs about sharing our dreams. It's a belief born of my own experience and is not true for everyone. Reading it alerts me to another belief I am releasing that ties back to the "coming from the source" post a few days ago.

Within me I've had the erroneous belief that what other people think must be right and I must be wrong. I thought their logic must have been better thought out, more articulate, wiser. How on earth can I expect to accomplish my dreams if I held on to this belief?

I see now how the belief has been manifesting in my life. As I strove to create my destiny I began to isolate myself so that I could maintain clarity and focus, untainted by others' beliefs and opinions. While I do enjoy solitude and the reflection it allows, it's important to me that I recognize that one element of seeking solitude has been to counteract that mis-belief about other people's wisdom.

I have another belief that empowers me every day to be the creator of my own destiny. The belief is that when we come from a place of reaction, we are allowing the other force to define our path. I learned this in my work within one segment of the feminist movement. It seemed that much of their energy was spent in reaction to what males were doing, so they were constantly being drawn to confrontation, challenge and outrage. What a waste of energy. Nothing was being created or defined anew. They lived in the world of rebellious reflection and still remained under the control of a male-centered society.

Contrast that with the work of the women's spirituality groups, led primarily by Starhawk. These women left behind the reactionary feminist life and chose, instead, to seek a new way, a new definition and a new set of beliefs. They created exactly that. Women's spirituality focuses our attention on the strength, gifts and magic of women's power. We see the interwoven powers of both genders and learn to define our own role in that relationship. Women in that segment of the feminist movement are empowered creators of their own lives, and in their work, they have shaped a new belief that opens the way for other women to explore.

I thank the teachings of Seth for reminding me of this. I will continue to recognize my beliefs and change the ones that do not serve me. I hope you will, too.

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